
My Yacht offers a complete and integrated solution for the owner and his guests comfort and security.
The security systems are integrated with the comfort devices and the control concurr to manage the situations of danger in the way that is thought more appropriated.

With the service My Yacht Web you have the full control also when you are far from the yacht: in every dangerous situation My Yacht Web actives one warning modality and through of a My Yacht link reserved area will be able to check the room where the alarm is released.

With the My Yacht solutions the boat becomes more comfortable and pleasant to live. The climate, the light, the sound and the automation are elements that determine the pleasure to live on the yacht in the various moments of the day.
With My Yacht atmospheres and situations can be created according to own desires:

  • To maintain the ideal temperature heating or conditioning only the rooms that you want with a daily or weekly program, that can anytime be modified. To the comfort of an ideal temperature joins the advantage of energy saving.
  • To create easy various atmospheres and to simplify the lights switching on or switching off allowing in a single gesture to command more lights at the same time.
  • To diffuse in entire yacht atmosphere the sound that you prefer from Hi-Fi System until the sound coming from the other rooms, with the possibility to customize the listening and programming of automatic sound start at preferred hour.

All yacht controls don’t need more manual movements: curtains movement or other automatism management will become simple operations by the intelligent My Yacht control.

Scenery is the magical word: with the single control you can integrate more functions and events, simultaneously or by sequence, according to your requirements and your preferences.

Only one gesture is enough in order to try the atmosphere answers and adapt to you desires, just like as you always have dreamt: only one push-button on the touch monitor is enough.
The yacht control is all this: simplicity, comfort, stillness, security.